
Searching for your face

This Friday let's reflect on Psalms 145:19




Precariousness or certainty

Getting fired, being unemployed and the precarious material this entails disquiets todays men who more than ever thirst for stability and security. The origin ...


The Honesty

The important thing is to be honest. Of course, it is better to be honest than a hypocrite or a fake. But honesty is not enough, you have to add truth to it. ...


Your divine illumination

Lord, thank you for giving us hope for eternal life, give us a chance to share your blessing with someone who dwells in darkness and strays from your path. I ...


Faith as a small seed

Without a doubt we can have enough faith to move the obstacles in our life and we understand this from the meaning of a little seed. If that is all the Faith ...


I have authority

Lord, today I thank you because the enemy will never tear me down while I remain firm in you. I ask that you teach me to use the authority to defeat him as many...


I will announce your name

Lord, all the things I do in my life I do in your name. I ask that you fill my heart with your Holy Spirit to be able to speak with authority on about your ...

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